I am a fearless Tracker Hacker: I recently discovered a workaround for note data spilling when exporting a stem. If an instrument is sent to the delay, but the delay config is set to the minimal 1 ms (and nothing else), the instrument is effectively consolidated and bussed to a single track export, regardless of how many tracks it spannned, when tracked.
The reverb buss us not so friendly for a dry send. I found this so helpful, that I would like to suggest a “dry send” mode. Using both sends this effective creates two bus export returns that could making mixing and finalizing tracks more like a traditional mixer setup. If bus export and reload were possible, one could build a string of grouped busses and then use the tracker session to apply mixdown CCs and efx.
As is, for me, this is plenty and reduces my need to open stems in DAW or other workstation. y
Love for Poland, Love for Music - Thank you