Tracker OG better but

i am having some issues with my workflow on my tracker and i think that it has put me off it for quite some time, i can work on tunes that i have started a while ago but when i try and start a new tune i find it a but frustrating, i am not sure if this was the case before.

before i was inputting notes using the key pad and from there i got a basic idea and continued to program and add interesting ideas to effects etc and etc, now when i im am trying to lay down the initial ideas , the tracker records but then stops recording , specially if i disarm all the other tracks, i tried changing the record input on menu preferences but it works for a while then i doesn’t

The second issue happens when i also try to lay down a simple kik and snare pattern a very basic pattern , i am somewhat unable to do this , its almost like there is some sort of delay at the time between the time that i press the pad and the time is recorded.

My solution the tracker goes in a box and i wait until this is sorted with future updates , or i go back a couple of operating systems, the disadvantage most of the projects have now merged in to the new operating system’s meaning they wont be compatible.

Some of these projects i am very keen on finishing them

Any advice, recommendations please let me know

That sounds strange … a couple things:

What’s the behavior when all tracks are armed for recording? (default setting)

Are you also recording microtiming/velocity? Velocity won’t matter for pads but microtiming could throw things off (especially if you’re in pattern notes/instruments only view mode and can’t see the FX).

Are you currently using the latest firmware? I found the 1.9.x firmwares to be stable when I was using the OG, which was pre-plus release.

Could you elaborate on what you mean when you say it records but then stops recording? At what point does the recording stop?


the tracks when all armed default to spreading the whole midi notes trough various tracks, this is one of the reasons why i arm just one track.

i have tried recording in all the options , most of the cases you nail it right on the first go, then it goes off , with time lag delays and stutters while recording .

Currently using the latest firmware.

EX i record two midinotes or three then it stops recording afterwards , keeps rolling metro ticking but no notes input.

If i change the input settings , i will normally get one two chances to record , After that if you are not happy with the notes and want to redo, when i try the next take you will have issues. with micro delays etc.

Another thing that is random, sometimes if disable the metronome Pre-count, and i get good results but this is not always guaranteed.

Another way i found to clear the issues is by restarting the unit.

I’m going to try other combinations and enable and disable other things, i think something is using up resources, making the whole " from the moment i press the pad to recording the note " weird

I’m going to do a couple more experiments and try and send you more info, if you want i can also make a quick video to show this.

Kinda starting to sound like a power issue … are you using the Polyend power supply and cable?


yes i am using the original cable but not Psu, but its rated and 1amp.
I’m not sure how this would affect the performance, or why would it do this?

To me this sounds like the following issue:

But this should be fixed at this point.

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Thanks for the head up.
Downloaded the new firmwarez , its Now fixed.