After seeing some users having missing files or folders - which does appear to be a bug, but not one I’ve experienced yet on either the Tracker + or the mini, I did encounter a problem which might affect others.
My issue was that inside the Samples folder, I have created a bunch of folders for different sounds, such as a Splice Vocals one, Zero G one etc.
Anyway, after creating folders inside the Splice Vocals folder, and filling some of them, the tracker mini couldn’t see or open them, and the folder names were all ?/
I realised my mistake. Inside the Splice Vocals folder, I had created folders named like this - Vocals A min/C Maj, Vocals F Maj/D Min etc and inside each folder were all samples in those respective keys.
The mini doesn’t like folders containing the forward slash / character. After putting the card in my Mac card reader, I renamed those folders with a dash - eg Amin - C Maj and all my other folders I did the same, removing the forward slash to a dash and it all works. The mini now shows all the folders with the corrected names, and, more importantly, I can open those folders to access the samples. Before, not only were the folder names replaced with a ?/ but I couldn’t open those folders.
So just a tip - avoid using the slash in file or folder names. Just because a Mac can recognise it, the tracker can’t.