Tracker Mini already down to £510 at Retail in UK?!

Kinda shocked…less than 8 months since I bought in to support the new platform I’m seeing a whopping 15% price drop on new Tracker Mini’s. Kinda sad, as will impact on early support for future endeavours, already a bit of an issue for Polyend after the Play+ launch!

Anyone know why the price took a hit so quickly? Has it not been successful?

What’s the context. Classified ad, store retailer, etc.

Retail (amended)

Maybe they are trying to move them. Didn’t Polyend do a sale a while back on a piece of gear. I wouldn’t read much into it.

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Yeah , hope so

P.S. @TheKrazyWabbit big fan of your YT vids, have been very useful and also inspiring, thanks for putting in the effort and time


Appreciate your kind words. Stay safe out there!