Tracker is different after repair

I sent my tracker in for repair. When it came back it was different. The ‘note’ key no longer rubs, the case no longer fits flush, the firmware was downgraded to 1.60 from 1.9.1, and the jog wheel has something wrong with it.
It spins regularly for several turns but then something catches inside. Whatever it is causes a minor catch, interrupts reading of the wheel, occasionally audibly ‘clunks’, interrupts workflow and is causing anxiety - is something being damaged? I can feel the wheel catching.
I feel really concerned. It is especially galling as I spent $60 on the repair, and apart from the resolved issue, the replacement does not feel nearly as good as the original.

Regarding jog-wheel - they may have added the jogwheel kit, which is what you might feel “catching”. It’s there to support the encoder and actually should increase the longevity of your device.

I can’t really speak towards your other concerns, but you should definitely voice them with the customer support, which you already had contact with.

Ah. That might be the case. If so, my worry might be unjustified. I am getting used to the new one anyway.
Edit: Mod please delete topic? Thank you.

If you want to make sure, you could always unscrew the cap from the joghweel and have a look inside. It‘s held in place by a small hex-screw and there is nothing you could ruin/break by opening it.

I‘ll set a topic timer so you‘ll have a chance to answer before this gets closed :muscle:

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