Here’s what I want to be able to do with my Tracker for live performances:
- Arrange patterns live
- Readily modify instrument parameters and effects (cutoff freq, reverb send, delay settings etc.)
I keep running into barriers that keep me from being able to do this. It feels like you need to choose one or the other, currently. Please let me know if there are things I am overlooking here. I’m using the OG, but it seems like the issues would be the same on the Tracker+. There are some existing wishes and some potentially new ones that individually could enable what I want to do.
I think live arranging patterns enables really fun improvisation for live performance. Pattern mode is great for live performance because you can easily jump between patterns, you can organize the patterns in the grid in ways that help make visual sense, you can easily mute tracks, and it looks cool: the trackers lines are whizzing by while the grid buttons are lighting up. However, you can’t easily modify instrument/FX parameters from here. You can get to them through some page jumping, which I’ve gotten ok with, but it’s not very immediate.
Potential fix #1: My ideal wish would be expanded midi cc input so that you could control instrument and FX parameters readily. Obviously, you can’t control every parameter of all 48 instruments. So my suggestion would be to add a midi learn / custom midi mapping where you specify what parameter you want to control and move the knob/button/fader on your midi controller to map to it. I added that idea to the existing related wish.
It would open up the possibilities for live performance immensely. You could be controlling the cutoff of your acid bass while sending your snares to a delay that’s building in feedback, queue your next pattern, and as it drops, kill the feedback, and jam on the cutoff knob
No idea the feasibility of this. But here are some other potential approaches that would allow for live arranging / parameter control. I love the performance mode, it’s a great concept that makes live jamming really fun. You can’t achieve the above description, because any changes here have to be applied to all activated tracks. But that’s fine. My main issue with performance mode is that it is not conducive to live arranging. It pairs specifically with song mode so that you can either let your linear arrangement play through or loop single patterns. But in an improv live performance I don’t want to have to plan that I will go from pattern 1 to 2 to 3 to 1 to 4. I want to decide that on the fly. Performance mode allows you to change patterns per track but there is no ability to change all at once. It is possible to change them each manually, but this leaves a lot of room for error.
Potential fix #2: An option to change the pattern for all tracks in performance mode.
This would enable live arrangement and allow access to parameter control. There is another barrier in performance mode that could potentially be fixed to allow live arranging. The issue is that when you go from performance mode to pattern mode, the performance changes will drop after the current pattern reaches its end.
Potential fix #3: If there was an option to keep performance effects enabled while on pattern view, then you could use the existing midi CC controls to change parameters.
My current workaround to achieve live arranging and do some live parameter control is this:
Live arrange using pattern mode, pan bass parts left, and other parts right. Handle them as separate mono channels on my bluebox, which I use (with an external controller) to either filter or send to delay/reverb. I would love to be able to handle more of this in the tracker! It’s certainly capable of it.