To be able to address 32 Midi channels

What is the problem?

Currently its only possible to access 16 midi channels, either over DIN or USB not both

What should this feature achieve?

To be able to address the DIN and USB midi ports separately, adding 16 midi instruments to the instrument list for the USB midi channels

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?

Non available

Any references to other products?

Play / Play + is able to do this.
Also Squarp Hapax, Akai Force


Same would be nice on Play (and other devices).

This is already possible on the Play.

Then I didn’t understand the description.
Now I can select either USB or DIN per track / step. Not both… or does it?

On the Play it’s one or the other (Jack or USB) but not combined.
On the Tracker it’s combined (Jack and USB).

This wish proposes that the Tracker can separate Jack from USB so that 32 channels could be addressed. 16 via Jack and 16 via USB independently.


Thanks for the clarification :slightly_smiling_face: :ok_hand:

In that case I was opting for the opposite on Play, so both connections would / could send or receive the same MIDI channel. So Jack, USB, Both.

Yes as it separates them on the Play - it would be great to add this to the Tracker Plus.
Not sure if this is a limitation with the hardware on the Tracker Plus or wether it was just an oversight on Polyend’s part as if it’s possible in the Play then (hardware permitting) it woukd be good to add it to the Tracker Plus.

@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile:

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I must be very minimalistic, how do reach the need for 32 midi channels?

I see myself around 8-10 max…