The Golden Tracker

Polyend just partnered with Perfect Circuit to give away a Golden Tracker. Red Means Recording did a fantastic video to promote it.

If you are in the US you can enter here.

Now I know everyone outside the US is probably wondering “What about us!?” Fair enough, we want everyone to have a chance to win one of these. We are partnering with Moog Audio for a golden tracker giveaway in Canada and working on a giveaway for the rest of the world that we will announce in the coming weeks.

These Golden Trackers are not available for purchase, and only a few were made but you can find limited edition Silver trackers for sale now.

UPDATE: We launched a gold tracker giveaway for everyone else worldwide here.

Sorry if you are in Italy, Singapore or Russia. We couldn’t add these countries due to the complicated local rules, requirements and fines.


So sensual. So Polyend. So Jeremiah.


And correction - TWO Gold Trackers are being given away by Perfect Circuit.


Greetings peoples! somebody say something about gold???


ahaha cool video, and cool color the the Tracker!

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Ohhhhh baby!! WANT!!

I really want this… I’m from South Korea and I WANNA HAVE MY SECOND TRACKER!!!

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Copied from Polyend’s last newsletter:

Moog Audio is launching a giveaway later this week if you are in Canada.

And because we want everyone worldwide to have a chance to win, everyone else can enter a giveaway here.

Winners for Polyend’s international giveaway have been emailed. I hesitate to share names for privacy purposes but I hope to see some Golden Tracker photos/videos shared here soon!

As for Perfect Circuit and Moog Audio giveaways - I don’t know who won as the stores were responsible for choosing and contacting the winners.


Congrats to all the winners :partying_face:
Share Pics! :laughing:


Thank you Polyend for this beautiful Tracker



Looks great, thanks for sharing!


Hi all

Not sure if this is allowed here - Mods please correct me if I’m wrong

But I was the winner of this Golden Tracker some months ago but times are hard and I need to sell it on

Maybe someone else is interested or maybe Polyend can put me in touch with someone who might want it?

Anyhow it’s still as good as knew - I never got round to using it much as I would have liked

I’ll put it on Reverb soon or hit me up here if that is allowed



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How much?

I am interested


Sorry guys

Sold on Reverb about a month ago

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the golden ticket