The Future of Play Plus

it would be interesting if play+ got some kinda drum synthesis engine in the future.

a limited set of parameters that you could lock per step, bit like a dfam or microtonic or somit.

that would be pretty. cool.


I would love to get an granularsynth for the Play +


can I just say the play performance mode is exactly the kind of performance mode I’ve always dreamed of. it’s incredible. can’t wait to see what the synth perf mode is like when it gets released.

just wanted to say thanks to the team. top job :top:


I think its best features are performance mode, chance, random, and fill. I think polyend should really lean into those areas.

Ability to have multiple chances (btw it would be great to have a different pad color for steps with chance), more random types, and a much easier way to come up with your own fills should be top priorities.

A performance mode on midi tracks where it’s sending different cc would be very cool.


There is a wish for more chances. Please vote it!! :slight_smile:
The wish has been posted in this thread.

would it be technically possible to add a radio to play via software? or would it need a hardware receiver or somit?

Id guess it’s not possible. would be cool tho

a birra internal radio sampling and that.

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Theres talk about a midiperformancemode, right? (Confirmed by the devs)
You say it will effect the synths?

Yeah would require hardware. Also FM is dying so it doesn’t even work a lot of places now.


Yeah, MIDI performance mode will be on the next update and will affect synths.


Love the device! but ofcourse have some wishes :wink:
In order of wishfullness

1a) trigless trigs (makes smooth automation possible)
1b) mixerpage
2) sample slicing
3) named and colorcoded patterns
4) export/bounce file renaming and saving to specific folder
5) option in settings to mirror samplepage to midipage
6) abort/cancel option for loading and playback


Very curious if the 2 performancemodes can have a splitscreen to close the gap between the sample and midiside of the machine. :brain:


Yeah would be neat if steps with a lower chance setting would lit proportionally dimmer. Or if the steps that won’t be triggered the current iteration of a pattern would somehow be visually distinguished from the steps that are to be triggered how it’s made in Bitwig Studio. But sure that won’t work if chances are calculated when a step is reached rather than at pattern start.

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granular engine

You should add an official wish list item for that. I think a granular engine would be very feasible given it already supports samples.


not sure if it’s relevant to this thread, but if most of the crucial features from wishlist would be implemented, I’d buy Play++ with 2-3 outs to process tracks externally (to separate bass, drums and melodics).

Are you aware that this is already possible for the Play+ with audio over USB?

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USB and pedals/modules? To be honest, I pay ridiculous money for music devices/instruments to stay away from computer, not to stick to it :slight_smile: Otherwise, DAWs and plugins offer a lot more for much less or even free. And if some sequencer costs half a macbook it should check all the boxes (most; okay, at least, some).

But, thanks for the answer.


Hah, I’m on that boat too :slight_smile:

That said, having the option of sending all tracks separately into the computer and from there out to other hardware via an audio interface has made me realise that there may be a place for a computer in my setup. But mostly just as a router of audio, not as the center of it all. I do understand if and why you want to stay completely away from the computer though.


Wave table plug be super Nice.

As would a modular environment,
whereas ocs filters and dca’s could be triggered independently, loading in samples as OSC source to be modulated by another OSC for phase and FM would be the queens tee :wink:

As would Fx plugins …
routing tracks or loading sample’s through them, ring, wave folding, and a channel strip with dynamic enhancement…would be ace

Great aid to the plugs/flow in general>is an offline automatic bouncing/resampling script. sort of how akai fold to pad options works; where selected plugins would automatically bounce to a selected sample track /saving all the manual administration of doing it via stems

This would help a hell of lot with melodic, atmospheric, background loops alot on the Play device, it would also be cool to see on the Tracker too.

Bloody great idea!