Synths render without send effects (dry signal)

Synths render without the sends (dry signal).

Should be rendering with effects.

  1. Create synth part with sends.
  2. Render this part.
  3. Play rendered sample.


Version 2.0
Build 995
synth render (302.2 KB)

by render you mean when resampling or when exporting stems? stems are always dry as there is a separate reverb and delay stem that gets created.

Hi. Resampling. I’ve edited my bug report by attaching a project.

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Hi @dnapierala1980, Thanks for reporting this issue. However, the project didn’t attach. It’s just an empty folder. Please upload the project to any google drive or similar and link it here :slight_smile: Thanks


My bad, sorry about that. I’ve already fixed it.

Kind regards.

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Hi @dnapierala1980, Thanks for the updated project file. We managed to reproduce this bug. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Fingers crossed! :slight_smile: