I’m new to this forum.
I got a tracker + some days ago and I love it.
I’m more into synth than samples and I was wondering if it could be possible to add a synth mode firmware that would allow to use 12 synths slots for example and reducing the amount of sample instruments ?
I guess per design, that adding 12+ Synth engines over the slots would be CPU hungry.
I know that this is not the answer which you are looking for, but you could treat the core samples as a synth oscillator [Example only using a very basic waveforms with looping as playback] and then from instrument parameter adding filter, freq/res followed by ENV [ADSR] etc…
To expand on what @gravedraq said; another way around this is to bake your synth patterns into samples, freeing the synths to act as new instruments. Save your project as a new file first, so you can go back to changing the baked samples if needed.
Yes I already use single cycle waveforms but I miss a LFO on bitreducer for example. It’s still nice to have this possibility but I find it a little hard to make these sample based synths sound alive.
It’s a good workaround but I tend to use a lot of random LFOs in my synth patch and also a lot of random FX in my sequences to randomize micromove or panning to create the feeling of an organic pattern that never really repeat from a play to another.
I also use my tracker to sequence a Digitone but it would be so nice to have all in one box. The ability to change synths preset as a step FX would already be a huge improvment !
I believe there is a Wish for additional modulation options for Sample Rate / Bit Depth (link) - if you wanted to throw a Vote down for it.