Synth screen weirdness

I just got a Synth, and I think it worked fine last night (didn’t spend much time with the screen though, just played with the keys very briefly). But now it’s got this weird streaking issue. I’ve tried several different power supplies, no difference.

Is there anything I can do to try to fix it, or should I just get it replaced?

Hi there @eagereyes. That’s definitely not normal. It’s the first time I see anything like that come up here on Backstage.

I would suggest contacting support at My Account • Polyend. They’ll sort you out :slight_smile:

If anyone in the community that has seen anything similar please chime in because I’ve never seen anything like that. If I had to make an assumption, it looks like pressure on the screen like when you press your finger on a monitor.

Not at all to make jokes on your issue, but almost wish this was like a filter we could turn on/off on the Synth because it looks kinda cool! Obviously not something you would want to be on all the time!!

Haha, that’s okay. It looks kinda like a glitchy spooky effect yeah. I don’t think it’s going to be a problem to get it replaced. I’ve sent a request to Support as you suggested, but I think I’ll probably just get an RMA from B&H tomorrow to have it replaced.

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Just a suggestion; If you do go to B&H to replace it, ask if you can take the new Synth out and power it up to ensure it is not having the same issue. It will help ensure that you’re bringing home a working Synth.

Good idea, but I don’t live that close :slight_smile: I’ll have to get it shipped. I just meant I’ll get the process going and ship it back to them tomorrow…

Got it! Hope all goes well. If you can, please keep us posted here as well :slight_smile:

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Thanks, will do!

So quick update, support responded to say that it looks like a hardware issue (which I figured as well) and to just exchange it with B&H. So that’s what I’m doing. Anyway, just wanted to check here first since I had seen people have ideas about fixing knobs, etc. But I’m guessing that this is probably a loose connection inside the device.

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