Synth not acting as a midi Slave as expected

Hi. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if it’s a bug, but when I setup Synth as a slave to a master clock like my MPC One, it somehow deactivates the pads on 2 or all three of its synths. The midi sync is set to External midi. All I want is for it to play the programmed patterns when I touch the pads, and keep playing once I activate Shift>Hold functionality. But I get nothing. No sound. No pattern. Nothing. Any suggestions? This really does kind of defeat my main purpose for buying it. Real bummer. Help? Thanks!

Hey there @arexpressions and welcome to Backstage! :partying_face:

Make sure that you have Transport In set to the correct option as well, else the internal step sequences won’t start properly.

Let me know if that helps :hugs:

Thanks, but nope. I just tried all different settings again. Transport In on. Wait For Start on and off. Every combination you can try, I’ve tried. As soon as I put a synth into ARP or Seq mode, I get no sound. Other synths not set to arp or seq will sound when played. I’m pressing play on the master, then try to play the pads set to arp or seq and nothing happens. I’m ready to either sell this thing or just accept that I can’t use it as I planned and just sample any patterns I create. But my point was to use it for live performance and have it change tempo in sync with the master. Bleh.

Any chance the Arps/Seq are working for you when your clock is set to internal, but stops working when set to external?

Another question: how are you connecting the Synth to the MPC?
Just so we have the full picture of what your setup looks like.

Yes, that’s exactly what’s happening, Dan.

Thanks, Sandroid. I’ve tried using Synth with MPC as master, and also my Minibrute 2s as master, same thing happens, as my reply to Dan. Just a midi cable from the MPC or Minibrute midi out to the Synth midi in…

Make sure you are using the MIDI Trs adapter that comes with the Synth, it’s a type B adapter which is fairly uncommon. If you use a different type it won’t work, the ARP and SEQ won’t play without the external clock.


Luis, thank you. I think this may have done the trick!! While changing up my setups I must have switched adapters not knowing this fine detail. Learn something new everyday. Again, thank you!!!


No problem. :slight_smile:

I really wish Synth would revert back to internal clock whenever no external clock is detected, it would save a huge amount of issues like these!