Synth doesn't play sounds from all engines

When I load up a default Scene, I cannot get sound out of all engines at once. Each scene effectively mutes a different engine (it’s seemingly random). User created scenes don’t have this issue though. Not sure if anyone has this issue. I can create a video if need be.

This sounds similar to what I experienced yesterday, detailed in this thread.

See the response from @Sandroid at the bottom, which explains what I think I found was the root of my problem. I booted into file mode, made a copy of everything on the SD card as a backup, and I think either the global settings or workspace got corrupted. After I deleted these and rebooted everything worked ok. Hopefully this is just a bug they can hammer out!

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Yeah things i would look out for:

  • If you Init a new scene, do all the sections work?
  • Are any of the three synth set to Local Off
  • Do all of the engines atleast have 1 voice

Thank you for the response. I’ll give this a go and report back

  • yes
  • None of them are off
  • yes

Ok so basic functionality seems to be ok. That’s good :heart:
Then it would be really helpful to see what you are doing.

If possible, could you provide a video showing your steps that lead to the behaviour you’re seeing?

unfortunately I cannot upload as I’m still new.

External link: iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud

Thanks for that! Being able to see what scene you loaded definitely helped.
I think i may know what the culprit is here.

Is it possible that your Clock is set to external MIDI (USB or Jack) ?
Set it to internal and the two voices should work.

The reason for this is that the Blue and Purple sections use sequences.
In order for those to run, the external clock would have to be running.

Let’s see if i’m right with my assumption :blush:


Nailed. All is well with the pre loaded scenes.

Bound to be bugs in early adoption, but the upside is way too high to be annoyed. Especially with helpful folks like you! Really appreciate it!


Yay :partying_face: ! Glad we got it figured out :blush:

And no need to thank, it required the both of us. So Teamwork for the win! :muscle:


Seems like Synth has a few common pitfalls for not working as expected, as I’ve run into the Local issue and the Voices issue a few times. It’d be a really nice QOL improvement if the software knew this. For example, if you try and play a synth that has Local off or 0 voices, the screen gave you a warning about that. If External Clock is set, there should be an icon or indicator on the screen, etc… I think even if you understand and know to troubleshoot these things, it would be nice to not have to go hunting when you’re not getting the expected output.


That reminds me of how when the Hydrasynth first came out they didn’t have a Local Off option because they said a surprising number of synths are returned because people thought they were broken when they wouldn’t make sound. They added a ‘Local Off!’ caption now which helps a ton.

I had the same issue with synth voices not playing the other night, and am starting to wonder if I had the same problem noted above - the wrong midi clock in option set. This got me thinking that in addition to your suggestion of indicating these possible trouble settings on the UI itself, it’d be helpful to have a checklist somewhere for troubleshooting. I’m new to the Polyend ecosystem, and so far these things have got me in the last 5 days:

  1. Wrong MIDI clock setting prevents sequences from playing
  2. Voices not allocated to synths
  3. Local turned off
  4. Wrong MIDI adapter. It’s not obvious from looking at the Polyend MIDI adapter that it’s different from the same looking adapters I got with my 0-coast, Micromonsta, and Launchpad. I moved my Synth to a different room and tried to use of these adapters and it took me 20-30 minutes (two separate times!) to troubleshoot everything I could think of to diagnose why the Synth wasn’t receiving MIdI correctly.

Yeah, great idea. I also got caught up by the Midi adapter thing as well. Also new to Polyend, and was kinda surprised that in all the years of gear, I haven’t had a Type B product before. If we’re going to let this really dumb system continue, there should at least be some clear labeling on ports and adapters what the heck they are, since it’s not evident in the hardware itself.

Anyways, I’m meandering. I like your suggestion of a good troubleshooting list! Even for people familiar with the ecosystem, it’s easy to accidentally turn an adjacent knob on accident, so the problem could less be about improper configuration and more just general user error.

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Well said

I think you might get a lot of votes if you proposed these ideas in Draft wishes :slight_smile:


Thank you, I was also having the same issue and that was it!


I experienced the same issue. After playing around with the synth for an hour, all of a sudden no sound. Headphones connected to correct input, all volumes set correctly in the microwave section and still nothing. I read the threads on here and seen the suggestion to change the clock in from Midi In to Internal. This actually worked and all of a sudden sound again. This worries me however as I also have the polyend play and want to sync the two devices. Does this mean that Synth simply can’t be synced with play and/or be sent to Midi In Clock sync? If not this is a big one that def needs a quick firmware update. @polyend please fix

Sounds like you just lost the clock somehow. There isn’t an issue with the device, but without a clock the arp and seq don’t play back. I’d make sure the Play’s clock is being sent out on the MIDI jack if that is what you have connected(not sure but think this is a per song setting). Make sure you update to firmware 1.1 to fix a clock sync noise issue.

If you lost clock then the arp and seqs don’t have a tempo to play, 1.2 beta adds an indicator that clock isn’t being recieved to help you troubheshoot.