Switching to a longer variation picks up where the shorter left

What is the problem?

Switching to a longer variation picks up where the shorter left instead of playing from the beginning of the new variation.

Reproduction Steps

I have 2 variations for a track, one is 8 steps long, the other is 4 steps long:

Having the 4 step variation playing, I queue the 8 step variation. And then when the 4 step variation reaches the end and the variation is switched, the 8 step variation continues from step 5, playing the second half of the variation.

I believe I understand why this happens, from a programming point of view. But, from a user’s point of view, I expect it to play the next variation from the beginning, as the previous variation reached its end before switching.

This happens independently of what the sequencer considers the current pattern progress to be in the orange bar above the play button: The behaviour is the samme, no matter whether the variation switch is happening when the progress is resetting or somewhere in the middle.


The bug is reproducible. I found it while working on something and was able to recreate it in the attached project.

Found in

  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Build: 1405


bug - variation pos.zip (3.5 KB)

PS: Please excuse my pale legs and dirty device :grimacing:

I just noticed this as well! This thing is so buggy :frowning:. I wish Polyend would release regular hotfix patches for these small bugs, rather than what seems like one massive update per year.

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Hi @3xm, Thank you for reporting this bug. We are sorry you’re experiencing issues while using Play+. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready. :slight_smile:

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@3xm Sorry for the mixup, after analyzing this issue again, we realized this is by design. It’s been like that for a long time. Such a workflow makes sense if you have a lot of tracks with different Lengths and Play Modes.
As a workaround you can always make a second Pattern instead of Variation. While switching Patterns the Play always resets the playback from the beginning.
And lastly, changing this workflow may influence already existing user projects.
I would recommend making a Wish instead :slight_smile:

Thanks for looking into it. I wouldn’t mind creating a wish, but I’m not really sure what the wish should be for: A setting to toggle between current behavior and what I asked for, or…?

Whatever YOU wish for! :wink:


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