Swap content of neighboor tracks of same type

What is the problem?

It is not possible to move a track, to change the order of the tracks.

As a project grows, it would really be nice to have the ability to move some tracks left or right.

This can be done with multiple copy/paste/delete but it requires a spare track and it can be error prone.

What should this feature achieve?

Being able to move tracks laterally, across all patterns, to reorder them in the mixer, pattern, perform and song views.

The expected output would be to easily swap content (note, instr., fx), name and related conf (sends, side chain, instr. config.) of one track to its neighbour without having to use a temp empty track to manually do the swap with multiple copy/pastes.

“easily” would mean one button press to move right or move left.

One can imagine that it could only be done within the 2 blocks of tracks (1 to 8 for audio/midi and 9 to 16 for midi only).

Are there any workarounds?

It is possible to do multiple copy/paste/delete but it requires a spare track and it is quite tedious.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

DAWs allows to drag individual tracks to reorder them.

I’m a big fan of these quality of life improvements.

Just to be clear what you want to achieve, which of the following describes is best:

a) An easy shortcut to the same result as copy/pasting via an empty track as you mentioned.
b) Actual track ordering, so that you can also have a track order like Sample, Sample, MIDI, Sample, MIDI, Sample, (…).

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Thx for checking this, I too think that it could be a nice little quality of life improvement!

Having the option to move right or move left on one track would be the most convenient way to reorder tracks - but maybe only within the 2 blocks of tracks (1 to 8 for audio/midi and 9 to 16 for midi only) as they are differents, I don’t know.

Does it make sense to you?

Yes, it does make sense.

I’m asking because I think, implementation wise, it could be 2 completely different things. The former is “just” a way of swapping the content of 2 neighbour tracks of the same type. The latter is a new concept of an actual track order, which also means a new kind of data to handle and save along with a project.

So it would be nice to know which of them you are actually asking for, in order for people to know what they are voting for (and potentially for the developers to know what should be worked on).

You are right, I think that the expected output would be to easily swap content (note, instr., fx), name and related conf (sends, side chain, instr. config.) of one track to its neighbour without having to use a temp empty track to manually do the swap with multiple copy/pastes. “easily” would mean one button press.

Is it better this way?

Yes, absolutely! Will you update the wish accordingly, please?

Sure, thanks for the discussion

Done, do you think it’s clearer like this?

I’ve taken the liberty of also updating the title of the topic, in order to be more clear.

Now, I have another (hopefully last) question about this: When swapping tracks, do you expect it to only happen in the active pattern or across all patterns?


Yep, the point would be to globally move the track, like when you move a track in a DAW, for example, moving track 2 to position 1, track 2 becomes track 1 and former track 1 becomes track 2.

That’s what I meant with:

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Is it possible to open the vote on this feature request please?


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Thank you!