What is the problem?
There is no way to take an existing selection and proportionally stretch it across more steps.
What do you want to achieve?
I’ll find myself with a melody or chord progression that I want to use as a foundation for a more intricate melody by adding 1/32nds, triplets or other “color” in-between existing notes.
Are there any workarounds?
Transposing 16 steps to 32 then doubling the track speed. Its basically a manual process
How would the feature work?
- Select n steps.
- Perform ‘stretch’ action (not sure how!)
- n*2 steps are now selected in the same track, track length adjusted to accommodate, and empty steps are inserted in-between existing notes.
- I adjust track speed manually to 2x existing.
- I’m free to add new notes in the empty steps.
Of course if n > 32, I’m out of luck.
My original thought for this feature was for track speed to be adjusted automatically, but frankly, this would be an interesting way to take a melodic line and maybe turn it into a bass line or similar slowed down shenanigans, so leave the track speed up to the user.