Strange Freeze (Cross Performance Mode) Bug? in

Bug Description

Thank for update, love you guys.

When you use freeze in ‘performance mode’ for samples and MIDI, it selects the last one chosen, but sometimes, for some reason, it ignores the last one selected, and other times it doesn’t… the inconsistency in the approach is confusing.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create an empty project, add sample and MIDI tracks…
  2. Start freezing tracks on samples or MIDI
  3. Switch to the opposite performance mode and also freeze
  4. Play around with switching modes, freezing, and stopping until you get the desired result.

Occurrence / Frequency

Reproduce every time

Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Build: 1703b


Test Project for easy reproduction (24.4 KB)

Hey thanks for reporting this @cavitas, i was able to get the same behaviour and created a simple test project which i attached to your report.

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I appreciate all the gesturing in the video :slight_smile:


Hi @cavitas Thank you for reporting this bug. We are sorry you’re experiencing issues while using Play+. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready.

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