Some Synth Engines needs extra love in the Cutoff macro ranges world for the next firmware upgrade

This is for users that do play with new synth presets. I do work with a lot of synth patches on most of the smaller recent synths. I find some of the synth settings options for macros on plus not to be tuned/organic. I recall that with Tracker some of these tuning issues were addressed in 1.2 and up.

What is the problem?

For example the ACD or SH101 synth engine and some others with the Filter Env Macro knob “overwhelm” the Cutoff macro knob. If you set Filter Env to more than -50% (left/negative) and you want to still use the CutOff macro knob, that macro knob will not move the Cutoff at all. Even changing the CutOff frequency directly in the preset editing page would not react much either. Even changing Modulation from 1.00 to 0.20 on the Filter Env macro does not work or there is potential bug ?
All this is reproducible on a virgin synth track that has a few pure notes without any random / trig / nuke stuff that would affect the cutoff/Filter Env macros.

What should this feature achieve?

  1. The preset page cutoff parameter would have the highest priority (more than the Filter env macro)
  2. Usable CutOff Macro range even if Filter Env is macro set to -50%.
  3. Using two destination slots on Cutoff Macro would have higher priority than Filter Env macro.
  4. While tuning this the coders and Polyend could achieve a noticeable difference when destination changes from 1.00 to 2.00.
    (I wish if a soul with play plus chips in to show a preset that demonstrate difference when setting from destination from 1.00 to 2.00 besides the FM b/c there I think it might work)

Are there any workarounds?

No, I tried double the destination slots for the cutoff setting on macro and setting both to 2.00 and the cutoff knob macro would not move the cutoff “much”. (Actually I would consider this as a bug but that “topic” would be most-likely be rejected as bug.

Any links to related discussions?

No, Unless there is another freak that wants to get some Juno presets created:)

Any references to other products?

Most of the physical synths Hydra/Boutiques/Freaks (sorry all the big synths are in storage but I bet they work the same way)


Thanks for the well written and detailed wish @george-8461 :slight_smile:

Also why is the cutt off param(in filter section edit patch) in general on all synths just really messed up in terms of resolution for the parameter itself. When I turn the jog wheel its SO SLOW even when I shift turn it.

As the synth engines are now shared between the Play+ , Tracker+ and Mini+ i’ve added the necessary tags for those as well.

Hi @george-8461 Thanks for your wish. However, we are currently working on upgrading the Patches.
Expect it with the new firmware releases. :slight_smile:


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