I cannot find this in the manual so let me ask it here.
I recorded a sample of a piano. I played C2, C3 , C4 … to C6 and recorded this into 1 sample.
My question, is how can I use slicing feature to have the different octaves used? If I visit the “Sample playback “ screen I can add slicing. What I wonder though is how the slices are assigned note values. I know that I can use the “S” on the fx track to select a different slice at playback.
Currently I hear my C2 slice if I enter C5 S1 and I hear my C3 slicd if I enter C5 S 2 and so on.
But it seems wrong that I cannot use the octaves in the pitch column directly, so I wondered is there a way to tell the tracker which slice is which pitch and save this somehow in the instrument?