Sharing Polyend Synth Scenes and Patches

A place to share scenes and patches for Polyend Synth and Plus Models. (I hope this is allowed?)

Share scenes and patches for Synth and you can share tracker plus / tracker mini / play plus “ACD, FAT, VAP, WTFM” presets / patches as those 4 synth engines are all shareable between all plus products and synth.

Here you go! My first scene and my first 3 patches for Polyend Synth. Space Opera takes you on a ride with some singing like qualities. A reverb and delay drenched classic pad sound, and a gritty horn with glide and delay!



New video with my new space opera scene which can be downloaded above!


Thank you. Very nice scene ! :slight_smile:

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If you want to share scenes and patches, that’s what Scene is for :wink:

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Thank you for sharing.

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Sadly no one probably knows about that category either lol. I didn’t until a day later after making this :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry. Either way it looks like no one is sharing either.

Can you transfer this post over to the polyend synth sharing section?

Feel free to create a new post for it. Probably better than moving this entire discussion - if that’s ok with you :hugs:

It tells me I’m not allowed to create new topic in that section.

I think you have to create a new topic here: Scene - Polyend Backstage

Afterwards i should be able to approve it and move it to the correct subcategory.
I’ll fix it so people can actually create a post in the sub-categories.

Nevermind - i fixed it so that people can actually create posts in those categories. They will require moderator approval afterwards. :muscle:

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lol i remade it but i don’t think it went in that section afterwards?

Then i tried to change it and it says “You cannot move this topic to a category where you do not have permission to create new topics.”

No worries. I didn’t think it through either. We need a Scene Subcategory for “Synth Scenes”. I’ll create that and will move your new post afterwards :muscle:

oops i deleted the one i made lmao sorry… we’re going round and round lol.

Just move this one there if you can lol

There we go - we did it :joy:

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Woohoo lol.

Ok lock this one up or delete :smiley: lol

To summarize:

All submissions will go through moderator approval, which shouldn’t take long and is usually just a formality to ensure the content is properly available.

(Btw, feel free to submit Tracker Projects, Tracker Instruments, Play Projects or just Sample Packs as well).

Happy Sharing! :hugs:

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