Share your tunes (2023)

guess the sound


Havin a mess around with the new 1.4 update for the Play. Massive fan of the new fill feature.

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Hey everyone! I have been creating on Polyend Tracker all my music, hope you like it:


Hello everyone! I made a new track with a clip what I was cutting. Not Public yet but soon as possible! Enjoy! :slight_smile:


Here is a track I created on the Tracker - Brighter Light Darker Shadow. Hope you enjoy it.



Just released my second casette tape. It’s somewhere around lofi/jungle/hardcore/d&b :boom:

All songs are produced on tracker, keeping it old-school with Amen Breaks, Amiga sample packs, casette sampling, modular, analog drum machines, synths and more.

Get it for free on Bandcamp and buy the tape if you like it, it’s in three different colours :surfing_man:

Putting together a live session right now with the Tracker, Kaoss Pad 3 (for transitions) and Analog Heat, so much fun.


Here’s my first track using only the Play. Hope you enjoy it!

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My first release, all tracks are made entirely on the tracker without post-processing


Ive never used a Tracker before until i bought Polyend Tracker a few days ago. Its so much freaking fun and pretty easy to get your head around

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Hi :wave:. It’s me again :blush:. And i’ve had a lot of fun with this one:


Finally got around to putting up my music on various platforms. Here’s my latest album produced on the tracker:

Hope you like it!

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I made i first song using my new tracker mini.
Already owner of the OG tracker, the mini workflow is so intuitive I did not even RTFM :grin:

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First experiences with Play.


Polyend Tracker & AE modular playdate

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Hi everyone, another small album recorded entirely on the tracker)

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This glitch techno track was created soley on the polyend tracker. The chopped vocals come from sampling some random radio conversation. Hope you dig it.

Invisible Fog by Karma Koza


Just got my Tracker last week and I was so impressed by performance mode and the ideas that come with it… what a nice little machine ! Happy tracking yall

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I only got my Tracker a couple of weeks ago, and it’s been a fun learning experience – I didn’t really think trackers were my sort of thing, but it turns out I was wrong.

This is still a rough draft, but I thought I’d share, because I liked it. I was listening to public radio, and a report on drumming cockatoos came up, so of course I knew I had to sample it. I’ve also been experimenting a lot with experimental approaches to timing – the underlying pattern is 37 steps long, and I programmed the rhythms in by ear for the most part, rather than trying to fit into a specific time signature. Anyhow, here’s a weird song about birds drumming.

(I know Google drive isn’t the most friction-less approach, sorry.)

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I tend to get dubby with my tracker.

Edit: half page display here, so not sure if it’s working for you.

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Hey there, with the Autumnal Equinox passing, I felt it’d be a good idea to share an EP of the tracks I’ve been playing live this summer.

I made them all on the Polyend Tracker and Play, with some pre-compositional work in Reaper and some post-processing stem manipulation, but minimal restructuring to keep that hard-edit sound.

It was written mostly while sitting with the Tracker in bed throughout the dead of winter last year, in hellish torrential storms.

Some of them started with acoustic guitar samples, others were composed entirely from original chip-tune melodies in my head, and some simply came from experiments in syncopation with kick patterns.

I hope it finds you at the right time and scrapes some of the plaque off your synapses. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: