March 9, 2024, 12:10am
It would be great to have a sequencer mode for the performance FX. The user could use different Performance FX for different Tracks. We do it by placing steps in Pattern (like in the Plugin Effectrix by Sugarbytes)
What is the problem?
Performance mode is great. A easy way to time/sequence it would be helpful
What do you want to achieve?
An Easy way to utilize they Performance FX for users lacking beat-playing skills
Are there any workarounds?
Recording and Arranging a Performance in a DAW
Any links to related discussions?
Not found something yet.
Any references to other products?
Sugsrbytes Effectrix
hell yeah! my recent post:
happy to say, I sold my device mainly because this feature was ignored, as well as many other wishes that have many votes for that seem to do nothing after all. the most significant bummer is heavily related and was posted before I started this thread as a compromise:
with these two things implemented (this thread + the one above) it would be an instant buy, even if the newer Play+ that seems to have a lot of bugs and still misses a lot of features, whatever.
March 10, 2024, 2:10pm
Thanks for the wish @Zone13 !
This would be amazing, yes. Not sure if this counts as a vote by responding, but consider it a vote please.
Currently this is not open for voting. It’s awaiting review by Polyend.
Once and if it gets accepted it will be open to vote.
June 12, 2024, 9:43am
@Zone13 Thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately, the wish doesn’t fit our current product design direction.
June 19, 2024, 10:43am
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