Select all steps on a track containing the same sample and/or folder

The “pick and place, select and adjust” paradigm of the Play/Play+ is insanely flexible, yet is difficult to isolate and select specific elements on a track. My proposal is to expand on the “select” portion and allow the user to select steps containing either the exact same sample or those that share the same folder on the selected track.

What is the problem?

Having the ability to place so many different samples on a track, there is no easy way to, for example, select only the hi-hats on a track that is also populated with kicks and percussion.

What do you want to achieve?

And easy way to select the same samples or samples in the same folder in order to make adjustments to only certain elements of a track.

Are there any workarounds?

You can have the sample parameter active in the window, and using shift, you can select and preview the current sample for each step. Using this method you can go one by one though the steps to identify and select those that are relevant (simple enough to do on a 16 step pattern, kinda tedious with multiple 64 step patterns)

Any links to related discussions?

None that I am aware of

Any references to other products?

Not a direct example however the Tracker can have multiple Instruments on the same track, yet it’s really easy to make an adjustment to a single instrument.

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@here Thanks for your contribution, the wish is now ready for voting! :slight_smile: