See filled patterns on grid in song mode

I have bunch of patterns and I am unable to see at the glance which number they are in song mode.
I have structured the patterns on grid buttons while working in pattern mode, but in song mode I am unable to see the grid I arranged. So each time I am filling new song row, I must go back to pattern view to look up the number of pattern I have arranged in the grid…

What is the problem?

Unable to fill the song mode using grid buttons.
Patterns are arranged in grid. I can select patterns from button grid in pattern view, why not while filling song? This does not make any sense.

What do you want to achieve?

I want to fill slots in song arrangement view by selecting patterns from button grid, but it is useless in that view.

Below is a picture of my pattern layout:

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?



@here thanks for the wish! Ready for voting :wink:

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