What is the problem?
For now, when you use patterns to create a composition and you want your track to build up, you need to make a copy of a current pattern then switch to it and only then tweak the pattern the way you want. If you forgot to do this, you have no backup.
What do you want to achieve?
It would be nice to have an ability to save all the changes you made after pressing the “Save” button into the next pattern pad automatically. Preferably, there should be a global option to save it in the next row or in the next column.
Are there any workarounds?
Making copies manually.
Any links to related discussions?
This wish was meant to be a part of Applying the perform mode's effects permanently, but applying states and saving a pattern are different things, so it’s better to separate them. Also, this could work without applying the perform states at all, so here it is.