I love the Tracker Mini, Tracker+ and i love you .
As a way to give back to the community, i figured i might as well share the initial batch of Tracker+ / Tracker Mini v2.0 projects that i’ve created with you all.
I hope they will be useful to someone .
And as always - if you have any questions, you know where to find me .
You are free to use the instruments or any other parts of these projects to your hearts content (commercially or otherwise).
If you do, please share them with us / me.
Any shoutout / accreditation are of course greatly appreciated
Sandroid - PERC Qué?
Project Download: sandroid-percque.zip (2.9 MB)
Sandroid - Respiration
Project Download: sandroid-respiration.zip (1017.4 KB)
Sandroid - Desert Echoes
Project Download: sandroid-desert_echoes.zip (578.8 KB)