Resolved! User error. Full SD Card - ignore - Sample recorder mostly fails to save to sd card. Recorded tracks prevent save and lock to editor window after normalising

Bug Description

Sample recorder mostly fails to save to sd card. Recorded tracks prevent save and lock to editor window after normalising.
I expect a save, or save and load per button option. It implies it has saved, but doesn’t.
I expect it to be usable so that when I normalise, it normalises, and you can exit the sample editor screen. It pops up a short lived ‘saving sample’ window but otherwise system non-responsive.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to sample recorder menu. Select radio input. (Or input from external source-it’s the same).
  2. Record sample. Length seems irrelevant but I recorded up to 5s.
  3. Save and load. Sample hardly ever loads or saves.
  4. If it does, select sample, go to sample editor menu.
  5. Select normalise, go through normalise process. Normalise occurs, but in one case sample corrupted, but mostly it normalises. Audition seems to work.
  6. Try to exit sample editor window. Enjoy fruitless button presses.


bug is reproducible always.

Found in

go to Config > Firmware page on your device and copy version / build numbers below

  • 1.8.0
  • Build 840



I would check if a new SD card solves the problem. My OG Tracker started to not save or to glitch while saving or to take very long to load, exporting stems did not work/abort etc. After i changed the SD all of the problems where gone. My Tracker is even faster and more reliable then ever before. It’s worth it to buy a very good (fast) SD while you’re at it :wink:

I second what Merlin says.
The “original” SD cards are crap. If you don’t wanna lose your work, exchange it asap.
The question why PE decided to add an insufficient card to their product remains an open question.

Anyway, after you got a quality card the tracker should work fine.

User error. The SD card filled up with the sample recording. I took some stuff off it and it’s now fine. Relief.


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