Recording automation in Perform mode

Now I don’t get it. These are two very different wishes.

This one:

Player hold some effect pad for one second while recording, just the way he could record knobs. When the affected sequence starts all over again, the same effect applied automatically on top of the previously selected tracks for the same one second.

That one:

Player pressed some effects’ pads, so the effects are applied to the whole track. Let’s say, it’s a changed note +1. Player applies the effect and user have all the notes permanently changed, so he can even see that by selecting some specific pad. Nothing is automated, but applied.
Player also can enter perform mode and apply the same thing. In the perform mode player won’t see anything applied previously, because it’s already in the sequence.
Long workaround: finding a specific setting and change it with the knob, because in the end of the day all the perform FXs are kinda presets for the knobs changes (except for the loop FX).

In this wish (recording automation in perform mode) the idea is to make Play press the perform buttons for player in time. So, it’s about calling a function, not what its function does (in terms of code, if its easier to understand). And both of these features could have their place.

This could be just recorded with live rec and that could be applied by some shortcut like perform + save.