Record Audio Out to SD Card

What is the problem?

As a user, I want to record what I’m playing on the couch, so that I can remember cool ideas later.

What should this feature achieve?

Toggle recording to card on/off somewhere (in the settings), maybe with a timer or a maximum length.

Files go to a separate folder on the Card, file name is probably not so important, but the name of the active Scene when the recording started might be helpful.

A recording indicator, like an orange dot in the top left or right corner is a bonus.

Are there any workarounds?

Record in an external device.

Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

  • Octatrack can sample to card, also its own tracks, while playing
  • Most actual grooveboxes can store patterns and songs, so that feature is not necessary for capturing ideas, only for exporting full songs.
  • Polyend Tracker and Play can export audio, but not export realtime audio, if I’m not mistaken.