Question about Sequencer transposition

Hello there, first post here. :slight_smile:

I received my Synth last Friday and overall I’ve found it pretty intuitive, but I’m struggling to wrap my head around how the sequencer works:

  • If I record a sequence starting on the root note, when I trigger it on a pad it works fine and the sequence is correctly transposed if I press a different pad.
  • If I record a sequence starting on any other note than the root note, when I trigger it on a pad it changes the melody and it doesn’t sound anything like the original sequence I recorded, even if I press the pad of the first note in the sequence.

Is this a limitation of the sequencer or am I doing something wrong?

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Not sure but which scale are you using?

I think it happens with every scale, but I’ll try to make a video later on because it’s easier to show.

I tried on my side and I don’t have any issue.

I just tried again and this time it worked fine… :person_shrugging: There must be a particular circumstance where it happens, I’ll report back if I’m able to replicate it again.

Hey And welcome to Backstage!

If you are able to reliably replicate this and believe it’s a bug, please report it as a proper Bug in order to help the further process.

I hope you’ll have a lot of fun with your Synth :trumpet:

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Hi again! I’ve figured out when it happens, it’s only in Chord pack mode. Not sure if it’s a bug or by design, but it seems weird that the chords recorded into the sequence are not the ones played back… what do you guys think?

Here’s a short example: