.PTI playback Engine

What is the problem?

.pti files are sample instruments specific to the Tracker. The Synth does not have a sample playback engine.

What should this feature achieve?

“playback compatibility” of .PTI files, similar to what Emu and Creative Labs did with the introduction of SoundFont in the early 90s, where you had these files [called .SF & .SF2] which could be used across a wide-range of rompler play-back instruments.

[That would also support the idea for Synth users to get a Tracker to make “rompler” instruments for their Synth]

In the past you would make a patch from samples on a Ensoniq ASR-10 or EPS16+ save on a floppy disk and afterforwards load the same floppy disk on the Ensoniq TS-10.

Akai did the same with their samplers, where you had devices which could sample and others, which could only playback sample disks. [Example Akai S-1000 vs S-1000PB]

Are there any workarounds?

Choose a synth engine, keep editing till you get a similar sound of the patch.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

Polyend Tracker

Well defined and clear - thank you! :heart: