Possibility to select and remember different tracks and variations in patterns view

This wish boils down to this, right?

yep, essentially, this is it.

sort of separated variations/selections for the patterns view and the basic sequencer view, so player could jump between them with just one button and tweak all the parameters for pre-selected tracks, cue variations and so on without any need to deselect one tracks, select others and repeat it all over again. this would make “pattern” button twice more functional, because for now you need “patterns” only when you want to cue another pattern (duh), while all the patterns take just a couple of rows anyway and user needs this view for a moment or so. It would be helpful for live performances, because selection/deselection of specific tracks just, let’s say, to tweak a filter a bit, requires a lot more time and precision in your actions. Also, pads are not that responsive and reliable sometimes.

Just imagine: you need to filter out tracks 1, 4 and 5. They are already selected in the patterns view. You just hold the patterns, tweak the filter, release the patterns button, and voila! Everything that was selected before this action is still selected (some different set of tracks). Without this feature you need to:

  • Deselect everything you have
  • Carefully select specific tracks
  • Make tweaks
  • Deselect the tracks and select all over again what you had in the beginning

The same is about variations: your sequencer view may have one set of variations being activated, the patters view has another. On the one hand, it means that switching to the patterns view won’t make your current variations overlap with patterns on the grid. On the other hand, you don’t need to use pads to activate and deacivate variations (they overlap the basic sequencer too, so you don’t see steps). Plus it makes patterns view more functional, because you won’t use 127 pads for your track anyways.

Actually, I didn’t mean each pattern to have different pre-selections to be saved (for each view). All I wanted to explain in this wish is that player may benefit from the set of two selections and variations to switch between each of them with ease. The button in the corner that also works both “press” and “press and hold” is perfect for fast adjustments.

So, in its core I didn’t mean that when player cues another pattern anything changes in regards of selections or activated variations. It could make a profit for performances like…

You switch to the next pattern and you already know: in that specific part of your composition you’d like to tweak some parameters for such and such track. So, all the selections and activated variations you saved there make a hint for you by themselves, simply because they aren’t hard to notice.

But such a feature may also introduce some unnecessary complications. There are high chances player don’t want his selections and variations to be changed when a new pattern starts to play. The wish isn’t about it, if polyend team decides to implement this, I guess it should be strictly optional.

I tried my best to explain it further here. In case it makes it clearer, feel free to copypase the most easy-to-understand parts to the wish. Thanks for trying to understand :slight_smile: