Polyend Tracker Mini device body click sound when on/off

My Polyend Tracker Mini makes a clicking sound from the body when I turn it on or off. The sound is not coming from the line out, but from the device itself. Has anyone else noticed this? Is it normal behavior? I’ve only just bought it and have used it for a total of about 2 hours.

This is perfectly normal and a safety mechanism so the device doesn’t blow your ears or speakers out :wink:

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Thank you for the answer!
But, sorry, I don’t quite understand, what exactly is clicking in the device. Can you explain?

It’s a little relay inside the device that connects/disconnects the line-out during power on/off. It prevents any audio spikes reaching whatever is connected to the line-out. As to what kind of relay they use, i can’t say… but relays tend to make a clicky noise.

I personally actually love that little click :heart:


Oh and since i forgot (where are my manners) …
welcome to backstage! :partying_face:

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Thanks a lot, i am realy exited with your feedback! :hugs: