I saw people talking about that but didn’t found any wish in this categorie so i created one. My apologies if this is already taken in account.
We can only output the sound of the Synth by audio stereo cable. As i would like to send the audio over usb without having to add an audio interface on a device on the go (ie : macbook), as for today i cannot record audio in my laptop without using an audio interface.
What should this feature achieve?
It should send audio over usb. Ideally 3 separate voices : one per synth.
Are there any workarounds?
There is no workaround on a mobile setup without using and buying an audio interface. Or there is no that i am aware off.
Any links to related discussions?
Any references to other products?
PolyEnd Play + has this feature for multitrack audio over usb
It doesn’t sound promising from what Mitch has said in this thread
“For USB from a hardware perspective USB audio is possible but the CPU cost is fairly massive. At this time I think the developers will have to carefully consider if this is feasible at all, but it wouldn’t be a simple addition if possible.”
I read that… so if the processor is too weak to achieve audio over usb i may have made a mistake with this purchase…
The synth is fun and i like it, but no audio split (all synth are merged) and no audio over usb means that it will maybe not fit at all to my purposes.
I know that i must have checked that before buying.
Well, we will see. That is one of the only missing feature for me.
Anyway, thank you to share this with us. I will wait a couple of months and i will make a decision about keeping or selling it if it occurs that it will not be possible.
I specifically don’t want this feature, to add another perspective. I’ve got audio interfaces in devices coming out the wazoo, and I’m relieved not to have yet another USB audio driver just waiting to get abandoned and snarled up in Apple’s security policy (which also snarls up the high-end, expensive, current-ish Thunderbolt 3 version of Apollo).
You are not forced to use that feature. Plug into your interface and ready to go. I think it’s the most essential one if you want to record your live performances and mix later. With no EQ onboard and only one filter you don’t have much options.
So, it’s a essential one for me. The most essential. I hope it will be implemented. Empress finally did a sampler module for zoia. It was difficult but they did it.
I’m with you, I think audio out on USB would be a real nice feature with how I’d like to use my Synth. Panning and spitting the single audio just won’t do. I get that it’s cpu intensive, but even an option to export one synth at a time over usb would be helpful. Or, indeed, should have been thought of in design and is an important limitation of the device.
That said, I guess I’m also used to most trad synths having just one audio out for their audio. And we do have the midi, but that’s only a minor help.
As I understand it, there is no real way to use this professionally without a way to separate the voices. I’ve heard people claim that this is a “live performance” device and that explains the lack of this feature, but that makes no sense. Any sound engineer would tell you that control between bass frequencies and mid-highs will exponentially improve a basic live sound mix, especially in tricky live rooms.
For me, as a film composer, I can’t realistically submit any music created on this that I couldn’t offer a basic stem for. It’s a bummer, cause it’s an amazing synth.
Obviously multiple 1/8" outs would be also be great, but must have been too expensive.