Polyend Synth & samples

So I have Lumina Cinematic Electronic sample pack, can I put/use samples I buy with my new Synth and soon to have Tracker Plus? As long as they’re .wav files?

We already discussed that with you here lol :slight_smile:

Yes, I know, but I’ve copied and pasted a folders worth of .wav files to the sd card in the SAMPLES/WAV folder, put it back into my Synth, menu’d down to WAV engine, and didn’t see not one of the 200 .wav files I copied over, soooooooo, yeah. ???

Samples / Wav files can go in WAVS or GRAIN folder. I recommend one-shot / short .wav files or wavetable type files.

Once they are in there, put sd card back in synth.

Now open up a WAVS engine or GRAIN engine so that it’s playable on the grid.

Tap the button below the screen that goes to your WAVS or GRAIN engine, and oscillator section will open up. The first parameter on top left of screen will be where you’ll find your .wav files once you use the knob and scroll through to change them.

Yes, I’ve done that, I put only .wav files in the WAV folder in SAMPLES on SD Card, then put it back in SYNTH and menu’d to OSC engine WAV and scrolled through all of the files, didn’t see any of the ones I copied over.

They should be there hmm.

See where mine says “SineSeries” and “Vidya2”. That is where you use your knobs to scroll through and find the .wav files that were added, under the oscillator section for WAVS engine.

Just making sure that is what you’re doing?


Holy **##, OK! Thank you very much for the PIC!!! Now I understand what part I’m supposed to be scrolling through, I am so sorry if I’ve been a pain, I’ve very new to much of this, and I’ve only had my SYNTH less than a week. I’ve got it now, I was scrolling through what I think may have been presets or something…

Thanks again for your help and obvious patience

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Hey no worries :smiley: I am happy to help! Now go have fun!