POLY + SYNTHS only fat showing

Hi just got poly+,updated firm ware…go to synths i only have fat 1 fat 2 fat 3…
i thought there should be acd etc etc…what am i doing wrong…thanks

Hi rhahunter, and welcome to Backstage!

I suspect you are misinterpreting the interface in a very common way, that many of us have done.

Try clicking on the main encoder when one of the synths is highlighted. Hopefully you get to the setting for that synth, where - among other things - you can change the engine.

What you are seeing on the screen you found is a list of the 3 synth slots and what engines are currently assigned to them.

I couldn’t find it in the manual! So here is how I just managed to work it out. Sorry if it’s not a great description.

From the (sample) sequencer page,
Go to Synths (as you have previously done), press the screen button. (the round one button lft of the screen)
Choose which Synth slot you want to change and highlight it by turning (not press) the screen button once selected press the screen button again. You will see the settings for the synth it currently is.
Now with “Model” highlighted press screen button again - you should now see the logo of the synth model. Turn the screen button to scroll through the synths - you’ll see the different synth logos. When the screen is showing the one you want press the screen button.

Press “Back” a couple of times and you’ll see it where you wanted!

Hope this helps.

yes thanks…click again and get options for other synths…i still only have fat 123 at higher level …the other synths are subs of those…can i not just have synth 123456 corectly labeled for example. instead of fat 123 only and having to go into the sub menu of one of the fat cheers

Here’s my attempt at explaining it as simple as possible. :blush:

  • Press one of the 3 Buttons underneath the screen to select which of the three synths you’d like to make changes to
  • Press Shift + Engine afterwards

This will bring up the Patch selection screen from this screen you can:

  • Browse the Patches by using the Screen Encoder left of the screen
  • If you hit the button underneath the Engine label it will focus on the engine selection. Allowing you to change them.

Confirmation of actions is always clicking/pressing down on the Screen Encoder.

Hope that helps :v:

Can you send us a screenshot of what you are seeing? I’m not sure i understand what it is that you are referring to. Thanks!

Oh, are we talking about the Synth or another device here?

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Ah that is a very good question actually! :joy:

Do you mean the Polyend Play+ or Tracker+ or the Polyend Synth ?

I took it the OP has a Play+, and the tag of Synth was misleading ( but perhaps I’m wrong!)

thanks…as i said ive now found all the synths…i was only questioning why there are not 5 synth slots instead of 3…i expected to see for example.
synth1 acd
synth2 fat
synth3 vap
synth 4 wtfm
synth 5 perc
i know now that i can asign another synth to a slot …is the above example i have shown possible or will it always show synth 123…its ok now i know to click twice to get to all 5 synth engines…thanks for your help

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For the Play+ there are 5 synths (models) available but only three can be used in one project (for the Polyend Synth, the new product, there are 8 available but again only 3 useable at once). So you can’t use all 5 in any one project. It has been confusing for many, including me.

Got it…many thanks now it makes sense

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