Poly 2 MPE with Osmose

I am trying to use the Osmose with my Poly 2 to bring MPE control into my rack. I have tried the MPE profile on the Poly 2 (v3.2), but the Poly 2 isn’t receiving any data from the Osmose. Has anyone here had any luck pairing these two devices? If so, any tips would be appreciated

Going to point out the obvious that you probably are aware of, but here it goes:

Poly 2 is TRS-B are you using the correct DIN to TRS Adapter?

Yes, I’m using a Type-B adapter. I do wish the solution was that simple tho :slight_smile:

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I was hoping that as well :laughing: .
Then i guess i am sadly out of possible ways of helping you…

…until i decide to finally give in and buy an Osmose :laughing:

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I switched the Osmose to regular MIDI and was able to get the gates to trigger on the Poly 2, but wasn’t getting any voltage. Reset the Poly 2 and now I am getting gates and pitch. Then I set the Osmose back to MPE mode and I it’s almost working, however the side to side pitch isn’t working… Yet. I think I am on the right track now tho

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I almost have this working, but it seems velocity is not polyphonic as each note pressed interrupts any existing held notes. In the Custom CV menu I can see that the Velocity is assigned to separate channels, but when playing they clearly affect each other. Anyone have any ideas for why this might be?

Update… I was able to assign Pressure (in the Adjust menu) on the Osmose to CC#2. I then changed the Velocity voice assignments for the 4 voices on the Poly 2 to be CC# for each voice and now everything seems to be working as expected :slight_smile:

That’s awesome! :partying_face:
And thanks for being our explorer in this new domain! :heart:

Thanks Sandroid!

Pretty cool to have 4 voice MPE in the rack! I had previously been using the Evaton uCVC module. Which works great as it is made specifically to work with the Haken Continuum and Osmose, but it is only for 1 voice. I had the Poly 2 sitting around unused and forgot that it supported MPE. I will probably do some more testing before I permanently switch over to the Poly 2 for these duties, but it’s looking good so far :slight_smile:

That great to hear! …and now you’ve stoked my GAS for an Osmose even further. :sweat_smile:

A multivoice rack with a Poly 2 would already be setup and ready here :joy:

Absolutely love my Osmose! I really gel with the way the keyboard feels and the controls are just super intuitive for me. And even just having one Eurorack voice with the uCVC is a pretty great combo. Highly recommended :slight_smile:

So the Poly 2 is outputting continuous CV based on the Osmose pressure in this setup? Going via CC, does it then mean that the resolution is 128 levels? Is that something that you can hear, as compared to whatever higher-resolution information pressure is tracked by the internal Osmose engine. And how is that with the uCVC? May be naive questions;) just trying to wrap my head around what would be possible with my Osmose using a module like poly 2. Thanks!