Play+ VAP synth Reset 1 & 2 have many ON states rather than just one

Bug Description

Play+ VAP synth Reset 1 & 2 parameters have many ON states rather than just one

Reproduction Steps

  1. Select VAP Synth
  2. Edit a patch
  3. Goto Reset 1 or Reset 2 and edit it.
    Off has one knob position, On has like 100+ rather than also just one. Expected behavior would be like Sync (right above Rest 1) which has OFF/ON and not OFF/ON/ON/ON/ON/ON/ON/ON/etc…



Found in

  • Version: [1.0.1public beta]
  • Build: [1388]

Hi @radfaraf,
Thank you for reporting this bug. We are sorry you’re experiencing issues while using our product. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready.” :slight_smile: