I have installed the new software on my Play+, but the MIDI perform mode does not seem to be working properly. I can activate it in the sample section (the display also shows “perform” above the third control button, the four right-hand rows of buttons are green as usual), but when I want to switch to the synth section in perform mode, nothing happens, the four rows do not change color to purple (as can be seen in the YouTube video). If I switch to the synth section first, the perform lettering above the third control button does not appear on the display and I cannot activate it there. What could be the reason for this?
Hi there @schrabmair and welcome to backstage!
Could you please go into the Menu, go to Settings → Firmware and post the current Version and Build.
Also just want to be sure that you updated the firmware after putting it on your Play
Thanks for the answer. I took pictures. One with the firmware number and build number and two pictures where you can see that the perform mode is not available in synth mode.
I did not delete the old firmware version (1.0.1) from the SD card. However, the device did update to the new version (the PERC synth is now on it).
The problem exists with existing projects, but also when I start a new project.
MIDI perform is still in beta and is not included in the 1.1 release. You’d need to install this firmware to get MIDI perform working.