"Play once" option in Chance

What is the problem?

There is no way to set a step to play just once in the Chance options.

What do you want to achieve?

For instance, play a crash cymbal on the first step and just one time.

Are there any workarounds?

No. These alternatives may be useful depending on the conditions:

  • set your Track Length to the max (64), your Track Speed to the min (1/16), and it might take a while until that step is re-played.
  • set your Track Speed to “Pause”, and hit that cymbal yourself by just pressing the step (and holding the encoder clicked down).

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?


@msinfo2a there is “Play Step”, which does exactly what you want, if I understand you correctly.

He likely means just Play Once per “play”, not Play Once per loop. In other words, once you press “Play”, you only ever hear that step once.

Workaround #1: set your Track Length to the max (64), your Track Speed to the min (1/16), and it might take a while until that step is re-played.

Workaround #2: set your Track Speed to “Pause”, and hit that cymbal yourself by just pressing the step (and holding the encoder clicked down).


You are right

Thanks for suggestions

I already know that’s possibility, but not match with my workflow, don’t want use one track for a cymbal :grinning:

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I hear ya. You only want to sacrifice one step, and be able to use the others I imagine. In other words, “play that step once then skip it forever”. The Play has a “Play 1 - Skip 4” which is the max it can skip, so a “Play 1 - Skip All” or “Play 1 - Skip Rest” would do it I guess.

Thiking out loud there, there is one piece of gear that I have been eyeing that is apparently similar but more powerful than the Play, and that’s the Synthstrom Deluge. What’s been peeking my curiosity even more about it lately is that it is now Open Source, a rare event in this industry. We will be able to modify its software, with the blessing (and support) of Synthstrom. I’m keeping an eye on their Github account.

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@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile: