Play+ no midi/audio over usb on 10.14 (mojave)?

Has anyone gotten this to work? No midi or audio device appear when Play+ (1.0.1) is connected to my 2018 mac mini. I’m stuck on 10.14 for various reasons. Other than a vague note in the user manual about “latest operating systems” i see no system requirements listed anywhere.

Solved. Looks like Play+ doesn’t like to be connected through powered hubs, although unit powers on and function fine, it is not recognized as a midi or audio device. Direct connection to mac got it to pop up.

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So it seems the implication is that you can only transmit MIDI over USB if the receiving end is going to power the Play at the same time?

No. You can power it via USB directly from a computer just fine and you should have both.

It’s USB-Hubs that may cause issues and this is why Polyend states that you shouldn’t use Hubs with their devices.

There is an excemption here as well though. If you are running a AMD based machine, you may have to use a usb-hub (like me for example) to get the devices to be recognized.