What is the problem?
Back in 80s & 90s was ram very expensive on samplers or the sample-memory was in general very limited. To extend the limited sample-memory the artist would pitch-up the sample on the vinyl player and sample the source in a higher pitch and pitch it down within the machine.
What should this feature achieve?
When doing the above trick, the sample source will be altered and some sound-artifacts would be introduced to the source, maybe due to that some data gets lost in the process, which is still a very desired effect within the music industry.
Imagine that you initiate [Sample Editor] with the desired sound or loop. Set your desired [Pitch-up] followed by desired [Pitch-down]
Maybe even the opposite too, where the source is first [pitch-down] and then [pitch-up].
Do you have any draft idea?
Are there any workarounds?
- Add sample to a pattern in a very high note, let it render. Put the new sample in a pattern in a note with a few octaves lower and let it render.
- Use one of the lofi effects.
Any links to related discussions?
Im not aware of any hiphop artist who didn’t do this in the past as work-around for the limited memory.