Pitch Up/Down Effect for Sample Editor

What is the problem?

Back in 80s & 90s was ram very expensive on samplers or the sample-memory was in general very limited. To extend the limited sample-memory the artist would pitch-up the sample on the vinyl player and sample the source in a higher pitch and pitch it down within the machine.

What should this feature achieve?

When doing the above trick, the sample source will be altered and some sound-artifacts would be introduced to the source, maybe due to that some data gets lost in the process, which is still a very desired effect within the music industry.

Imagine that you initiate [Sample Editor] with the desired sound or loop. Set your desired [Pitch-up] followed by desired [Pitch-down]

Maybe even the opposite too, where the source is first [pitch-down] and then [pitch-up].

Do you have any draft idea?

Are there any workarounds?

  1. Add sample to a pattern in a very high note, let it render. Put the new sample in a pattern in a note with a few octaves lower and let it render.
  2. Use one of the lofi effects.

Any links to related discussions?

Im not aware of any hiphop artist who didn’t do this in the past as work-around for the limited memory.

Any references to other products?

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Thanks for the wish @gravedraq!

I do this, too. Good idea.

Another workaround is to save your project with the sample pitched up in the instrument parameter window.

In this way you can have that sample readily available to use across projects. Just find it in your project loader in the export folder.

( does that make sense?)

I often use a project as a template for a number of treated samples. In this example I would label my project something like “pitched up samples” , making it easy to identify when sleuthing in the sample loader.

I have some projects that I’ve used pitched up samples and then brought them down using the Tuning Instrument parameter. It does introduce some nice artifacts, but not in the sense of what this wish is aiming for, which I totally get.

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@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile:

I think that maybe Isla Instrument S2400 can do this…