Performance mode remixing in song mode

Not sure if this is a bug or a mistake in the manual. I was having a play around with remixing tracks in performance mode as in the instructions in the Tracker Mini manual:

Given that it says to press [Shift] + [Play] it starts playing the full song, and it says that you can cue a new pattern for a track ([Track x], Screen button + Press (Left) or (Right)). However when the pattern ends it just continues into what the next pattern in the song is, ignoring the cued pattern even though the track flashes red to indicate the cue. However cuing works when just playing a pattern i.e. pressing [Play].

I reckon this behaviour is correct since the song is effectively overwriting the cue, hence why I don’t think it’s a bug, and that the manual should specify that this only works when playing a pattern rather than a song.

Thank you for the report, this is indeed an error in the manual - will get it fixed!

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