PERC master effects not working

Hi, everyone!

Just purchased the Tracker +, very excited and getting to know the machine after watching too many youtube videos. I’ve come across an issue, that I don’t know how to fix - whenever I’ve chosen the PERC synth, master delay and reverb do not work on it. If I change the instrument to a sample or a different synth, both delay and reverb work as they should. I imagine that is not how it’s supposed to be. Would be glad to see if maybe I’m missing something since I’m quite new to the machine, and maybe there’s a solution.

Hey @kaaarlis, welcome to Backstage and congrats on getting a Tracker+ :partying_face:

There is indeed a solution to your conundrum! :blush:

PERC works slightly different than everything else, because in the Mixer Section of the PERC Synth you can define how much Reverb and/or Delay is applied to the different parts of the drumset. Just go into the editor screen of PERC and navigate to the Mixer Section. There are individual sends there that control the amount.

Hope that helps and i hope you continue having fun :v:

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Thank you! That was very quick and helpful, all clear now! :slight_smile:

Meanwhile I’ve come across a glitch - could it be possible that it is not possible to use Fill function on FX1 slot? I can fill FX2 without problem, but when I do the same on FX1 it does nothing.

Hmm… i don’t seem to be able to reproduce this no - filling FX1 should work.

Could you maybe tell me (step by step) what you are trying to do?

Hi, again!

False alarm – it is all working as it should with the FX1 fill, it was a mistake on my part, so no worries. Thanks a lot! :slight_smile: