Pattern Follow Actions

I would like the ability to set rules/actions per pattern which determine what happens when a pattern within a chain ends similar to Follow Actions in Ableton Live.

What is the problem?

Chain play back is always linear.

What do you want to achieve?

Set per pattern rules to determine what happens when a pattern within a chain ends. Here are some examples of these rules based on Live’s Follow Actions.
Any = randomly jump to any pattern within the chain including current pattern
Other = randomly jump to any pattern within the chain excluding current pattern
First = jump to first pattern in the chain
Last = jump to last pattern in the chain

Are there any workarounds?

Not that I am aware of.

Any links to related discussions?

Not that I am aware of.

Any references to other products?

Clip Follow Actions in Ableton Live

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@inz1 Thank you for your contribution. We have a specific design with Song mode which would cover/overlap with parts of this wish so we’ll close it for now as it wouldn’t fit our current design direction. :slight_smile:

This wish covers that direction: Allow patterns to play in certain orders and certain times - Song Mode

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