Offseting sample slice start point in beatslice mode

What is the problem?

I using mini for a few months and it’s really awesome, but i missing this feature in beat slice mode which allows moving sample slice start point in grid, In oneshot mode command p do a trick, but in slice mode it’s dont work.

What should this feature achieve?

It will be more versatile with drum programming in case of samples and beast with using melody sample slices.

With this feature tracker will become more aggressive jungle / breakcore creature:)

Are there any workarounds?

Copying a needed sample separate and setting different start point, but it’s really annoying

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

In Renoise you can do it with a FX command Sxx where in xx you you setting value how much forward you moving start point of the sample, same as p command in polyend trackers but they dont do it in beatslicing mode