Octave Chord Packs

By request of @ameliagagarin. Here are two Octave chord packs in major scales. Oct+ is 1 octave up and Oct++ is 2 octaves up. Untested, but it should work for you.

Copy these two .palette files to the chord packs file on your Synth SD Card
Octpacks.zip (608 Bytes)


Wow that absolute amazing, thank you very much, such a great company!! I’ll test later. Thanks!!

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Works perfect!!! This was to play a pad like this with only one finger …Blade runner in progress. Thanks a lot :smile:


wow!!! Very nice patch, can you share it?! :hugs:

Yes, of course, but it’s not finished. I will make a few more and will share to you but im going to upload this patch in a few minutes.


Here it is… I´m doing some cool presets, at least for me, I will share a bunch when ready :grinning:

By the way, it´s for FAT, please add it to that folder.

000 Padty.zip (486 Bytes)


nice, glad I could help you get that sound!


ty for sharing, ima try it out tonight

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Remember: add lots of reverb!!!

Super!!! :grin::+1:

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Im having a lot of fun at home making presets, I was sick with a heavy flu and made some presets with my crappy speakers. At the moment I have 30 that will share with you. And with custom FX presets too. Here some of the sounds:


Wow sounds nice. Love to have them :]

Also feel better soon!

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