I started a new project to mess around with the synths and try to find some good ways to do synth automation. After a while, all the samples and the effects went completely silent. As far as I can tell nothing is muted, all the volume should be audible. Samples play back in other projects. Synths continue to play normally. I’m not sure what I did. Attaching the project.
New Project.zip (1009.2 KB)
Hey @thx1200, good news 
It would seem that all your Track, Delay, Reverb, and Dry Mix volumes are set to -inf dB
Technically everything (besides the Synths) is muted.
Set them all back to 0.00 dB
and you should hear everything again.
You can get to those screens by pressing and holding Menu
, then navigate to Master
and pressing the D-Pads center button to navigate between the 3 screens.
I am curious to know if you where actually in those screens at some point or if you somehow ended in this state some other way?
Oh wow, thank you, that was it. And no, I wasn’t. I think I was in the recording screen because I was just looking at recording something through line-in, but I actually didn’t even do that, I was just looking at it at the time. Then when I went back to pattern mode, it stopped playing those tracks. But I wasn’t sure if that did it or something else because at the point, I was thinking I hadn’t played the pattern in a while (before that I was in the synth editor for a while just messing with parameters).
I definitely did NOT go on each track and volume each one down, something volume downed them all at once. Is there a shortcut that quickly volume downs a track? Or is this maybe some kind of bug?
I’m not sure actually, that’s a first for me as well 
… and i’m not aware of a kill-all shortcut.
Let’s hope it was just cosmic radiation 
…but if you do happen to end up in this state again, i’ll gladly know all the details!