Naming patterns and tracks in a flat file

What is the problem?

“Problem” is a probably not word in this wish, because it is not really a problem. I would like to enter track names and pattern names into a flat file so I can type them in via computer. I realized this evening if I open patternsMetadata, I can adjust the number of blanks for the numbers of characters in the track name desired and which I add to the file in the right order. When I uploaded the project back to the tracker+ all the patterns were happily renamed. So I guess the problem is that is a pain in the ass to do. I didn’t do it for tracks but I assume there would be a place for that on some metaData file.

What should this feature achieve?

Make for easier naming especially with the Tracker mini.

Are there any workarounds?

Yes what I am doing now by editing the metaData file. the key step is give each pattern a number as a name on the tracker so as to easily figure out the blank location start point.

Any links to related discussions?

I didn’t see one for this directly. lots of dicussions about naming in general.

Any references to other products?

Well most devices have companion apps. The seems like a major pain a stretch for the type of device it is.

Thanks for the wish @dimi3 :slight_smile:

@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile: